1080 in my state

Knowledge is power.

You can use this page to learn about how 1080 is used in your state.

Click on each state or territory to learn more about who is targeted with 1080 poison in that area. Follow the links in the descriptions to learn more about 1080 poison in your state or territory.

1080 in Australian states and territories

Target species

Dingoes are targeted with 1080 poison in all Australian states and territories except Tasmania.

Rabbits are targeted with 1080 poison in all Australian states and territories except Tasmania.

Foxes are targeted with 1080 poison in all Australian states and territories except Tasmania.

Pigs are targeted with 1080 poison in all Australian states and territories except Tasmania.

Cats are targeted with 1080 poison in Queensland and Western Australia.

Brushtail possums are targeted with 1080 poison in Tasmania.

Bennett’s wallabies are targeted with 1080 poison in Tasmania.

Pademelons are targeted with 1080 poison in Tasmania.