Coalition Material
Letterbox Drop / Public Warning Notice (PDF): heard about 1080 in your area and want to warn others? Download this form, fill in the details and warn those in your area. Note that the file contains both a colour and black/white version.
Printable petition (PDF): a downloadable petition paper demanding a national ban on 1080 across Australia. These can be used at market stalls or other public events and can be sent to the Coalition to collate afterwards.
External research
Management of Pests and Pesticides: Farmers' Perceptions and Practices - Tait and Napompeth (1987)
Wild Dogs: The Natural History of the Nondomestic Canidae - Sheldon (1992)
The Pesticide Question: Environment, Economics and Ethics - Pimental and Lehman (1993)
Nourishing Terrains: Australian Aboriginal Views of Landscape and Wilderness - Rose (1996)
Wild Neighbours: The Humane Approach to Living with Wildlife - Hadidian et al. (1997)
Handbook of Poisoning in Dogs and Cats - Campbell and Chapman (2000)
Ecocide: A Short History of the Mass Extinction of Species - Broswimmer (2002)
When Raccoons Fall Through your Ceiling: The Handbook for Coexisting with Wildlife - Lopez (2002)
Spirit of the Wild Dog: The World of Wolves, Coyotes, Foxes, Jackals and Dingoes - Rogers and Kaplan (2003)
The Biology and Conservation of Wild Canids - MacDonald and Sillero-Zubiri (2004)
Large Carnivores and the Conservation of Biodiversity - Ray et al. (2005)
Cat - Rogers (2006)
Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook - Adelman (2007)
The Welfare of Cats - Rochlitz (Ed.) (2007)
Savage Humans and Stray Dogs: A Study in Aggression - Karlekar (2008)
Who Cares About Wildlife? Social Science Concepts for Exploring Human-Wildlife Relationships and Conservation Issues - Manfredo (2008)
Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals - Bekoff and Pierce (2009)
Application of Uncertainty Analysis to Ecological Risks of Pesticides - Warren-Hicks and Hart (2010)
Against Ecological Sovereignty: Ethics, Biopolitics and Saving the Natural World - Smith (2011)
Carnivore Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques - Boitani and Powell (2012)
Ignoring Nature No More: The Case for Compassionate Conservation - Bekoff (Ed.) (2013)
Rabbit - Dickenson (2014)
Banned: A History of Pesticides and the Science of Toxicology - Davis (2014)
Free-Ranging Dogs and Wildlife Conservation - Gompper (2014)
Wildlife in the Anthropocene: Conservation After Nature - Lorimer (2015)
Proctor and Hughes' Chemical Hazards in the Workplace - Hathaway and Proctor (2004)
Toxicology: the Basic Science of Poisons - Klaassen (2008)
Poisoning and Drug Overdose - Olson (2004)
Australia's Pest Animals: New Solutions to Old Problems - Olsen (1998)
The Fall of the Wild: Extinction, De-Extinction and the Ethics of Conservation - Minteer (2019)
Veterinary Laboratory Users Guide - Queensland Government (2019)
Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings - Roberts and Reigart (2013)
Physician's Guide to Pesticide Poisoning - Stevenson (1995)
Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists and Attorneys - Trestrail (2007)
Managing Death Investigation - Westveer (1997)
Rodent control with 1080, ANTU, and other war-developed toxic agents - Ward (1946)
Chromatographic isolation of monofluoroacetic acid from Palicourea marcgravii St. Hil - de Oliveira (1963)
Predator control: history and policies - deCalesta (1976)
Predacidal Uses of 1080: Technical Review Document - United States Environmental Protection Agency (1981)
Predator control and Compound 1080 - Aidala (1984)
Controlling vertebrate pests with fluoroacetate: lessons in wildlife management, bio-ethics, and co-evolution - Calver and King (1986)
The impact of fluoroacetate-bearing vegetation on native Australian fauna: a review - Twigg and King (1991)
Enhancing wildlife sciences' linkage to public policy: lessons from the predator-control pendulum - Messmer et al. (2001)
Sodium monofluoroacetate (Compound 1080) poisoning in dogs - Goh et al. (2005)
The poison-proof practice - Flood and Fitzgerald (2006)
Control of pest mammals for biodiversity protection in Australia. I. Patterns of control and monitoring - Reddiex et al. 2006)
Talking about 1080: risk, trust and protecting our place - Bedwell (2011)
The 1080 debate - Cowan (2011)
Pesticides (mammal) - Whisson (2011)
Australian Clinical Guidelines for Acute Exposures to Chemical Agents of Health Concern: A Guide for the Emergency Department Staff - Australian Government Department of Health (2015)
Fluoroacetate (sodium fluoroacetate) - Bradberry and Vale (2014)
National Code of Practice for Chemicals of Security Concern - Australian Government (2016)
Sodium fluoroacetate toxicity: a case report of malicious poisoning in dogs across a Phoenix, Arizona neighbourhood - Brower et al. (2017)
Sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) hazards to fish, wildlife and invertebrates: a synoptic review - Eisler (1995)
The toxicology and pharmacology of methyl fluoroacetate (MFA) in animals, with some notes on experimental therapy - Foss (1948)
Fluoroacetate - Goncharov et al. (2015)
Fluoroacetate toxicity - Gribble (1973)
Fluoroacetic acid and its derivatives - Krieger (2001)
How toxic 1080 selects its targets - Krieger (2001) (p. 329-332)
The institutionalisation of poison: a historical review of vertebrate pest control in Australia, 1814 to 2018 - Philip (2019)
Plague studies: control and prevention - Pollitzer (1953)
Sodium fluoroacetate poisoning - Proudfoot et al. (2006)
The development of 1080 for use for rabbit control in Tasmania - Statham (2005)
Sodium fluoroacetate - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1994)
Predator damage control: 1980 to 1986 - Wade (1986)
Sodium fluoroacetate - Wallace (2005)
Policy implications of 1080 toxicology in New Zealand - Weaver (2003)
Terrestrial vertebrate toxicology in Australia: An overview of wildlife research - Death et al. (2019)
The cardiopulmonary effects of sodium fluoroacetate (1080) in Sprague-Dawley rats - McCranor et al. (2019)
The WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification - World Health Organisation (2019)
Sodium fluoroacetate poisoning - Reyes et al. (2020)
The Pesticide Question: Environment, Economics and Ethics - Pimental and Lehman (1993)
The welfare of vertebrate pests in relation to their management - Broom (1999)
Science and ethics: some issues for education - Andrew and Robottom (2001)
Solutions for Achieving Humane Vertebrate Pest Control: Proceedings of the 2003 RSCPA Australian Scientific Seminar - Jones (Ed.) (2003)
The traditional categories of fluoroacetate poisoning signs and symptoms belie substantial underlying similarities - Sherley (2004)
1080 and wildlife: scientific and ethical issues raised by its use on Australian mammals - Cooper et al. (2007)
Is sodium fluoroacetate (1080) a humane poison? - Sherley (2007)
In the spotlight: the welfare of introduced wild animals in Australia - Thiriet (2007)
Indigeneity, ferality and what 'belongs' in the Australian bush: Aboriginal responses to 'introduced' animals and plants in a settler-descendant society - Trigger (2008)
Towards a knowledge-based ethic for lethal control of nuisance wildlife - Warburton and Norton (2009)
A Model for Assessing the Relative Humaneness of Pest Animal Control Methods - Sharp and Saunders (2011)
Killing Schrödinger’s feral cat - Marks (2013)
Maintaining ethical standards during conservation crises - Brook et al. (2015)
Model codes for humane treatment of animals: Australian law and policy on lethal control of pests - Riley (2015)
Predator control should not be a shot in the dark - Treves et al. (2016)
Ethics in science: ecotoxicology - Cairns (2003)
The ethics of wildlife control in humanised landscapes - Hadidian et al. (2006)
Introduced species and the issue of animal welfare - Hutchins et al. (1982)
Appendix I: Mark Fisher's Report on Animal Ethics Issues in the Application - Fisher (n.d.)
Strategic animal welfare issues: ethical and animal welfare issues arising from the killing of wildlife for disease control and environmental reasons - Littin and Mellor (2005)
International consensus principles for ethical wildlife control - Dubois et al. (2016)
Reconciling rights of individuals with rights of wild species - Karanth (2018)
To bait or not to bait: a discrete choice experiment on public preferences for native wildlife and conservation management in Western Australia - Subroy et al. (2018)
Distancing animal death: geographies of killing and making killable - Mazhary (2020)
Does the end justify the means? A media analysis of invasive pig and fox management - Thompson et al. (2020)
Indiscriminate, inhumane and irresponsible: Compound 1080 is no longer an acceptable form of wildlife management - Parr and Barron (2021)
Ethical treatment of invasive and native fauna in Australia: perspectives through the One Welfare lens - Kennedy et al. (2022)
The sensitivity of Australian animals to 1080 poison I: intraspecific variation and factors affecting acute toxicity - McIlroy (1981)
The sensitivity of Australian animals to 1080 poison III: marsupial and eutherian herbivores - McIlroy (1982)
The sensitivity of the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) to 1080 poison - McIlroy (1983)
The sensitivity of Australian animals to 1080 poison V: the sensitivity of feral pigs, Sus scrofa, to 1080 and its implications for poisoning campaigns - McIlroy (1983)
The sensitivity of Australian animals to 1080 poison VIII: amphibians and reptiles - McIlroy et al. (1985)
The effect on Australian animals of 1080-poisoning campaigns - McIlroy (1992)
Secondary poisoning hazards associated with 1080-treated carrot-baiting campaigns against rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus - McIlroy and Gifford (1992)
Persistence of sodium monofluoroacetate in rabbits and risk to non-target species - Gooneratne et al. (1995)
Effects of bait-station design on the uptake of baits by non-target animals during control programmes for foxes and wild dogs - Glen and Dickman (2003)
Monitoring bait removal in vertebrate pest control: a comparison using track identification and remote photography - Glen and Dickman (2003)
Does fox baiting threaten the spotted-tailed quoll, Dasyurus maculatus? - Körtner et al. (2003)
Sensitivity of some Australian animals to sodium fluoroacetate (1080): additional species and populations, and some ecological considerations - Twigg et al. (2003)
Potential impact of aerial baiting for wild dogs on a population of spotted-tailed quolls (Dasyurus maculatus) - Murray and Poore (2004)
Sodium fluoroacetate residue in feral pig (Sus scrofa) carcasses: is it a significant secondary poisoning hazard? - Gentle et al. (2005)
The immediate impact of 1080 aerial baiting to control wild dogs on a spotted-tailed quoll population - Körtner and Watson (2005)
The propensity of spotted-tailed quolls (Dasyurus maculatus) to encounter and consume non-toxic meat baits in a simulated canid-control program - Claridge et al. (2006)
1080 and wildlife: scientific and ethical issues raised by its use on Australian mammals - Cooper et al. (2007)
Susceptibility of Bush Stone-curlews (Burhinus grallarius) to sodium fluoroacetate (1080) poisoning - Johnston and McCarthy (2007)
An outbreak of sodium fluoroacetate (1080) intoxication in selenium- and copper-deficient sheep in California - Giannitti et a. (2013)
Diets of Wedge-Tailed eagles Aquila audax and Little Eagles Hieraaetus morphnoides breeding near Canberra, 2008–2009 - Olsen et al. (2013)
Non-target risks of using 1080 and pindone for rabbit control - Fisher (2013)
Evaluating and predicting risk to a large reptile (Varanus varius) from feral cat baiting protocols - Jessop et al. (2013)
Impacts on nontarget avian species from aerial meat baiting for feral pigs - Gentle et al. (2014)
Non-target species interaction with sodium fluoroacetate (1080) meat bait for controlling feral pigs (Sus scrofa) - Millar et al. (2015)
Diagnosing species decline: a contextual review of threats, causes and future directions for management and conservation of the eastern quoll - Fancourt (2016)
Fox control and 1080 baiting conundrums: time to prepare for a CRISPR solution - Kinnear et al. (2017)
Multiple episodes of 1080 (sodium monofluoroacetate) intoxication in a California calf-raising operation - Adaska et al. (2018)
Not all predators are equal: a continent-scale analysis of the effects of predator control on Australian mammals - Hunter et al. (2018)
Conservation conundrums and the challenges of managing unexplained declines of multiple species - Lindenmayer et al. (2018)
Non-target impacts of poison baiting for predator control in Australia - Glen et al. (2007)
Secondary poisoning risks from 1080-poisoned carcasses and risk of trophic transfer: a review - Eason et al. (2013)
Minimising native non-target uptake of 1080 fox baits - Allsop (2014)
First in, first served: uptake of 1080 poison fox baits in south-west Western Australia - Dundas et al. (2014)
Bait uptake by free living brush-tailed phascogales Phascogale Tapoatafa and other non-target mammals during simulated buried fox baiting - Fairbridge et al. (2003)
Impact of 1080 baiting on spotted-tailed quoll populations on the New England tablelands: research projects conducted by the Vertebrate Pest Unit, DEC - Körtner and Harden (2011)
Fate of dried meat baits aimed at wild dog (Canis familiaris) control - Kreplins et al. (2018)
Corvid interference with Canid Pest Ejectors in the southern rangelands of Western Australia - Kreplins et al. (2018)
Secondary poisoning of stoats after an aerial 1080 poison operation in Pureora Forest, New Zealand - Murphy et al. (1999)
The devil undone: the science and politics of Tasmanian Devil facial tumour disease - Warren (2013)
Reduced efficacy of baiting programs for invasive species: some mechanisms and management implications - Allsop et al. (2017)
Field assessment of the risk of feral cat baits to non-target species in eastern Australia - Fancourt et al. (2021)
Wild Neighbours: The Humane Approach to Living with Wildlife - Hadidian et al. (1997)
When Raccoons Fall Through your Ceiling: The Handbook for Coexisting with Wildlife - Lopez (2002)
People and Wildlife: Conflict or Coexistence - Woodroffe et al. (2005)
What are 60 warblers worth? Killing in the name of conservation - Vucetich and Nelson (2007)
Invasive species in penguin worlds - van Dooren (2011)
Dead or alive? Comparing costs and benefits of lethal and non-lethal human–wildlife conflict mitigation on livestock farms - McManus et al. (2015)
Novel trophic cascades: apex predators enable coexistence - Wallach et al. (2015)
Promoting predators and compassionate conservation - Wallach et al. (2015)
Stop jumping the gun: a call for evidence-based invasive predator management - Doherty and Ritchie (2016)
Dark Ecology: For A Logic of Future Coexistence - Morton (2016)
Human-wildlife conflict and coexistence - Nyhus (2016)
International consensus principles for ethical wildlife control - Dubois et al. (2017)
Zoo Ethics: The Challenge of Compassionate Conservation - Gray (2017)
No place to go? Management of non-human animal overflows in Australia - Hillier (2017)
Anthrozoology: Embracing Co-Existence in the Anthropocene - Tobias and Morrison (2017)
Compassionate conservation, where to from here? - Ben-Ami (2018)
Summoning compassion to address the challenges of conservation - Wallach et al. (2018)
Predator-friendly beef certification as an economic strategy to promote coexistence between ranchers and wolves - Bogezi et al. (2019)
Compassionate versus consequentialist conservation - Hampton et al. (2019)
Listening to nature's voice: invasive species, Earth jurisprudence and compassionate conservation - Riley (2019)
Social identity shapes support for management of wildlife and pests - van Eeden et al. (2019)
I am a compassionate conservation welfare scientist: considering the theoretical and practical differences between compassionate conservation and conservation welfare - Beausoleil (2013)
Ignoring Nature No More: The Case for Compassionate Conservation - Bekoff et al. (2013)
Envisioning the future with ‘compassionate conservation’: An ominous projection for native wildlife and biodiversity - Callen et al. (2020)
Compassionate conservation deserves a morally serious rather than dismissive response - Reply to Callen et al. 2020 - Coghlan and Cardilini (2020)
Addressing inequality and intolerance in human–wildlife coexistence - Jordan et al. (2020)
The ecology of human-carnivore coexistence - Lamb et al. (2020)
Bridging compassion and justice in conservation ethics - Santiago-Ávila and Lynn (2020)
Linking social identity, risk perception, and behavioural psychology to understand predator management by livestock producers - van Eeden et al. (2020)
Recognising animal personhood in compassionate conservation - Wallach et al. (2020)
A critical review of the compassionate conservation debate - Coghlan and Cardilini (2021)
A Theory of Change for promoting coexistence between dingoes and livestock production - van Eeden et al. (2021)
Can dingoes increase graziers’ profits and help maintain Australia’s rangelands? - Campbell et al. (2022)
Understanding coexistence with wildlife - Pooley et al. (2022)
Dingoes and sheep in pastoral areas - Thomson (1984)
The effect on wild dogs, Canis f. familiaris, of 1080-poisoning campaigns in Kosciusko National Park, NSW - McIlroy et al. (1986)
Canidae - Newsome and Coman (1989)
The development of a policy for the management of dingo populations in South Australia - Downward and Bromell (1990)
Effects on non-target animal populations of wild dog trail-baiting campaigns with 1080 poison - Fleming et al. (1996)
The control of dingoes in New South Wales in the period 1883-1930 and its likely impact on their distribution and abundance - Glen and Short (2000)
Management of dingoes on the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service estate - Harden (2001)
Spirit of the Wild Dog: The World of Wolves, Coyotes, Foxes, Jackals and Dingoes - Rogers and Kaplan (2003)
The Biology and Conservation of Wild Canids - MacDonald and Sillero-Zubiri (2004)
Rarity of a top predator triggers continent-wide collapse of mammal prey: dingoes and marsupials in Australia - Johnston et al. (2007)
Dingo dualisms: exploring the ambiguous identity of Australian dingoes - Hytten (2009)
Evidence that dingoes limit abundance of a mesopredator in eastern Australian forests - Johnson and VanDerWal (2009)
Predator control promotes invasive dominated ecological states - Wallach et al. (2010)
Enough dogma: seeking the middle ground on the role of dingoes - Glen (2011)
Demonising the dingo: how much wild dogma is enough? - Letnic et al. (2011)
Wild Dog Dreaming: Love and Extinction - Rose (2011)
Reviving ecological function through dingo restoration - Wallach (2011)
Effects of predator control on behaviour of an apex predator and indirect consequences for mesopredator suppression - Brook et al. (2012)
Do dingoes suppress the activity of feral cats in northern Australia? - Kennedy et al. (2012)
Top predators as biodiversity regulators: the dingo Canis lupus dingo as a case study - Letnic et al. (2012)
Aerially deployed baits in the northern rangelands of Western Australia are available to wild dogs - Kennedy et al. (2013)
Ecologically functional landscapes and the role of dingoes as trophic regulators in south-eastern Australia and other habitats - Letnic et al. (2013)
Lethal control of an apex predator has unintended cascading effects on forest mammal assemblages - Colman et al. (2014)
Free-Ranging Dogs and Wildlife Conservation - Gompper (2014)
Experiments in no-impact control of dingoes: comment on Allen et al. 2013 - Johnston et al. (2014)
Can farmers live with dingoes? - Sabto (2014)
Participatory wild dog management: views and practices of Australian wild dog management groups - Ecker et al. (2015)
Resolving the value of the dingo in ecological restoration - Newsome et al. (2015)
Dingoes can help conserve wildlife and our methods can tell - Nimmo et al. (2015)
Dingoes and dog-whistling: a cultural politics of race and species in Australia - Probyn-Rapsey (2015)
Dingo interactions with exotic mesopredators: spatiotemporal dynamics in an Australian arid-zone study - Schroeder et al. (2015)
What is an apex predator? - Wallach et al. (2015)
New insights on the history of canids in Oceania based on mitochondrial and nuclear data - Cairns and Wilton (2016)
Conservation implications for dingoes from the maternal and paternal genome: multiple populations, dog introgression and demography - Cairns et al. (2017)
The wayward dog: is the Australian native dog or dingo a distinct species? - Jackson et al. (2017)
Managing dingoes on Fraser Island: culling, conflict, and an alternative - O’Neill et al. (2017)
Anpernirrentye: fire, water, country - Philip (2017)
Dingo control: a study of the history and legacy of dingo control in Australian ecological and cultural heritage - Philip (2017)
The dingo barrier fence - Philip (2017)
Cattle mortality on a predator-friendly station in central Australia - Wallach et al. (2017)
Elucidating biogeographical patterns in Australian native canids using genome wide SNPs - Cairns et al. (2018)
Not all predators are equal: a continent-scale analysis of the effects of predator control on Australian mammals - Hunter et al. (2018)
Fate of dried meat baits aimed at wild dog (Canis familiaris) control - Kreplins et al. (2018)
What to call a dog? A review of the common names for Australian free-ranging dogs - Kreplins et al. (2018)
Apex predator suppression is linked to restructuring of ecosystems via multiple ecological pathways - Leo et al. (2018)
Eradicating abundant invasive prey could cause unexpected and varied biodiversity outcomes: the importance of multi-species interactions - Lurgi et al. (2018)
The Australian dingo: untamed or feral? - Ballard and Wilson (2019)
What should we do with wild dogs? Taxonomic tangles and the management of dingo-dog hybridisation - van Eeden et al. (2019)
Geographic hot spots of dingo genetic ancestry in southeastern Australia despite hybridisation with domestic dogs - Cairns et al. (2019)
Taxonomic status of the Australian dingo: the case for Canis dingo Meyer, 1793 - Smith et al. (2019)
What is a dingo? The phenotypic classification of dingoes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents in Northern Australia - Brookes et al. (2020)
Pesticide use is linked to increased body size in a large mammalian carnivore - Letnic and Crowther (2020)
Feral violence: the Pelorus experiment - Probyn-Rapsey and Lennox (2020)
Brighton v Will: the legal chasm between animal welfare and animal suffering - Riley (2020)
Phenotypic variation and promiscuity in a wild population of pure dingoes (Canis dingo) - Tattler et al. (2020)
A historical review of Australian aerial vertebrate pest control, targeting dingoes and wild dogs 1946 - 2019 - Philip (2020)
The myth of wild dogs in Australia: are there any out there? - Cairns et al. (2021)
Pelage variation in dingoes across southeastern Australia: implications for conservation and management - Cairns et al. (2021)
Lethal control reduces the relative abundance of dingoes but not cattle production impacts - Edwards et al. (2021)
Responses of dingo (Canis familiaris) populations to landscape-scale baiting - Kennedy et al. (2021)
Colonialism and conservation - Probyn-Rapsey and Lennox (2021)
Dingoes dining with death - Spencer and Newsome (2021)
Metabolomics shows the Australian dingo has a unique plasma profile - Yadav et al. (2021)
Can dingoes increase graziers’ profits and help maintain Australia’s rangelands? - Campbell et al. (2022)
Comparative acute toxicity of chlorocitrate and fluorocitrate in dogs - Bosakowski and Levin (1987)
Fluoroacetate poisoning in seven domestic dogs - O’Hagan (2004)
Sodium monofluoroacetate (Compound 1080) poisoning in dogs - Goh et al. (2005)
Sodium fluoroacetate toxicity: a case report of malicious poisoning in dogs across a Phoenix, Arizona neighbourhood - Brower et al. (2017)
Acute toxicity of sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) baits to feral cats - Eason and Frampton (1991)
Handbook of Poisoning in Dogs and Cats - Campbell and Chapman (2000)
Cat - Rogers (2006)
The Welfare of Cats - Rochlitz (Ed.) (2007)
What's in a name? Perceptions of stray and feral cat welfare and control in Aotearoa, New Zealand - Farnworth et al. (2011)
The use of poison baits to control feral cats and red foxes in arid South Australia I. Aerial baiting trials - Moseby and Hill (2011)
The use of poison baits to control feral cats and red foxes in arid South Australia II. Bait type, placement, lures and non-target uptake - Moseby et al. (2011)
Dying to be clean: pen trials of novel cat and fox control devices - Read et al. (2014)
How does cat behaviour influence the development and implementation of monitoring techniques and lethal control methods for feral cats? - Fisher et al. (2015)
Welfare considerations for cat management - Jones (2015) (p. 95-101)
Will Curiosity kill the cat?: technoscience and free living cats 'down under' - Bunyak (2019)
Using genetics to evaluate the success of a feral cat (Felis catus) control program in North-Western Australia - Cowen et al. (2019)
Conservation or politics? Australia's target to kill 2 million cats - Doherty et al. (2019)
Understanding Australia’s national feral cat control effort - Garrard et al. (2020)
New plans for new poisons: bad news for feral cats and wildlife - Jablonski (2015)
A moral panic over cats - Lynn et al. (2019)
Killing Shrödinger's feral cat - Marks (2013)
Toxic Trojans: can feral cat predation be mitigated by making their prey poisonous? - Read et al. (2016)
Uptake of ‘Eradicat’ feral cat baits by non-target species on Kangaroo Island - Hohnen et al. (2019)
Global strategies for population management of domestic cats (Felis catus): a systematic review to inform best practice management for remote indigenous communities in Australia - Kennedy et al. (2020)
Spirit of the Wild Dog: The World of Wolves, Coyotes, Foxes, Jackals and Dingoes - Rogers and Kaplan (2003)
Fox - Wallen (2006)
First in, first served: uptake of 1080 poison fox baits in south-west Western Australia - Dundas et al. (2014)
Dying to be clean: pen trials of novel cat and fox control devices - Read et al. (2014)
Fox control and 1080 baiting conundrums: time to prepare for a CRISPR solution - Kinnear et al. (2016)
Did 'precautionary' 1080 baiting have a realistic potential to eradicate Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Tasmania without in situ monitoring data? - Marks et al. (2014)
Report on Inquiry into the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Fox Eradication Program in Tasmania - Parliament of Tasmania (2009)
Opportunistically acquired evidence is unsuitable data to model fox (Vulpes vulpes) distribution in Tasmania - Marks et al. (2014)
The wily and courageous red fox: behavioural analysis of a mesopredator at resource points shared by an apex predator - Wooster et al. (2019)
Trends in anecdotal fox sightings in Tasmania accounted for by psychological factors - Marks et al. (2017)
The ‘Goldilocks Zone’ of predation: the level of fox control needed to select predator resistance in a reintroduced mammal in Australia - Evans et al. (2021)
For more on foxes in Tasmania, visit the Tasmanian Fox? A Scientific Review of the Tasmanian Fox Eradication Program website here.
The toxicity and acceptability of warfarin and 1080 poison to penned feral pigs - Hone and Kleba (1984)
Vomiting by feral pigs after 1080 intoxication: nontarget hazard and influence of anti-emetics - O’Brien et al. (1986)
An evaluation of warfarin for the control of feral pigs - Choquenot et al. (1990)
Conflict, uncertainty and risk in feral pig management: an Australian approach - Izac and O’Brien (1991)
Modelling of poisoning for vertebrate pest control, with emphasis on poisoning feral pigs - Hone (1992)
Aerial baiting of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) for the control of exotic disease in the semi-arid rangelands of New South Wales - Fleming et al. (2000)
Conservation action in the Galapagos: feral pig (Sus scrofa) eradication from Santiago Island - Cruz et al. (2005)
Sodium fluoroacetate residue in feral pigs (Sus scrofa) carcasses: is it a significant secondary poisoning hazard? - Gentle et al. (2005)
Sodium fluoroacetate residues and carcass degradation of free-ranging feral pigs poisoned with 1080 - Twigg et al. (2005)
Feral pigs in north-western Australia: population recovery after 1080 baiting and further control - Twigg et al. (2006)
Bait consumption by, and 1080-based control of, feral pigs in the Mediterranean climatic region of south-western Australia - Twigg et al. (2007)
Additional toxins for feral pig (Sus scrofa) control: identifying and testing Achilles’ heels - Cowled et al. (2008)
Feral pigs in north-western Australia: basic biology, bait consumption, and the efficacy of 1080 baits - Twigg et al. (2005)
Bait consumption by, and 1080-based control of, feral pigs in the Mediterranean climatic region of south-western Australia - Gentle et al. 2014
Contesting death: conservation, heritage and pig killing in far north Queensland, Australia - Meurk (2015)
Non-target species interaction with sodium fluoroacetate (1080) meat bait for controlling feral pigs (Sus scrofa) - Millar et al. (2015)
Feral pig baiting with fruit in the wet tropics - Gentle et al. (2016)
Wild Boar - Yamamoto (2017)
Rabbit control with ‘1080’ - Tomlinson et al. (1954)
Rabbits in the Karri Country: some recollections of 30 years of vermin control in the lower south-west - Gooding (1956)
Co-ordinated rabbit control using "1080" - Tomlinson and Leighton (1956)
Rabbits are scarce… make them scarcer still! - Marshall (1957)
The use of sodium fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) for the control of the rabbit in Tasmania - Meldrum and Bignell (1957)
A century of rabbits - Tomlinson (1959)
Free feeding for the control of rabbits - Marshall (1960)
Hit rabbits this winter : it will check breeding and give more valuable feed for summer grazing - Marshall (1960)
The success of the rabbit 'killer' trials - Tomlinson (1960)
Wanted: a new approach to rabbit control - Tomlinson (1961)
Food for thought in rabbit poisoning - Leighton (1962)
One shot baiting: how it works - Gooding and Harrison (1964)
Absorption of sodium monofluoroacetate (‘1080’) solution by carrot baits - Staples (1969)
The organisation of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Western Australia - Tomlinson and Gooding (1970)
The sensitivity of Australian animals to 1080 poison III: marsupial and eutherian herbivores - McIlroy (1982)
Changes in bait acceptance by rabbits in Australia and New Zealand - Oliver et al. (1982)
How rabbit poisoning methods work - Wheeler (1984)
Effects on non-target animal populations of a rabbit trail-baiting campaign with 1080 poison - McIlroy and Gifford (1991)
Observations on the impacts of rabbit haemorrhagic disease on agricultural production values in Australia - Saunders et al. (2002)
Tissue residue levels in rabbits and rats poisoned with 1080 One-shot bait and the location of poisoned rabbit carcasses - Twigg et al. (2003)
Home range, activity and habitat use of European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in arid Australia: implications for control - Moseby et al. (2005)
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Codes of Practice
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