Take Action
Let’s ban 1080 poison.
This petition calls on the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Chemicals Authority (‘APVMA’) to urgently, thoroughly, and transparently reconsider the approval and registration of 1080 poison in all states and territories. Join over 14,000 Australians and sign today.
This petition calls on the government to immediately stop using 1080 poison. Join over 19,000 Australians and sign today.
Send an email to your MP today
We’ve set up a template you can use to easily send your MP an email. Make sure you use your own words for the key messages in your email - personalised emails get attention.
Submit a victim impact statement
If you or someone you know has lost a pet or witnessed a wild animal suffer 1080 poisoning, please share your experience with us.
By submitting a victim impact statement, we can launch a class action case before the government who allows this deadly substance to be used.
Donate any amount and receive a BAN 1080 bumper sticker in your letterbox.
All funds raised go towards the battle to ban 1080 in Australia.
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The Coalition is dedicated to supporting communities across the country in the battle to ban 1080.
Form or join a regional action group today!
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Make a donation.
By donating ANY AMOUNT you can help us raise awareness, run campaigns, and challenge the myths about 1080 poison in Australia today.