1080 poison is an animal welfare crisis.

Indiscriminate. Inhumane. Unacceptable.

1080 poison is a chemical emergency. It is a colourless, tasteless and odourless toxin with no known antidote. It is lethal to all living organisms and is banned nearly everywhere else in the world.

The Coalition Against 1080 Poison is proud to be Australia’s leading network dedicated to banning 1080 poison in Australia.

We hope you’ll join us.

  • FAQs

    Evidence-based answers to some frequently asked questions about 1080 poison.

  • Evidence

    Find research regarding humaneness, ethics, welfare, alternatives and more.

  • Take Action

    1080 poison is an animal welfare crisis. Sign petitions, send letters and spread awareness.

  • Report

    If you or someone you know has lost a pet or witnessed a wild animal suffer 1080 poisoning, please share your story.

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