What to do if you suspect a pet has ingested 1080 poison
1080 poison is used in every Australian state and territory. It is regulated by a wide array of government departments and agencies and is the subject of many laws and regulations.
Though there is no known antidote to 1080 poisoning, there are rare cases in which a victim has survived. This guide will help you if you suspect that a pet has ingested 1080 or died of 1080 poisoning.
What do I do?
1. If you suspect that your pet has ingested poison do not wait to see the symptoms listed below. Contact your nearest vet immediately. If possible, call in advance.
2. Do not allow any other pets or children to interact with the animal you suspect has been poisoned.
3. Monitor any vomiting and remove it urgently as it may pose a secondary threat to other animals or people. Do not induce vomiting unless advised to do so by a veterinarian. If your pet vomits, wear gloves and thoroughly wash or burn all clothes worn during cleaning afterwards.
If there will be a delay in getting your pet to a clinic, you can call the Animal Poisons Centre for advice.
Symptoms of 1080 poisoning
The symptoms of 1080 poisoning are well known and your vet will be aware of what to look for. These are the most commonly identified symptoms exhibited by victims of 1080 poisoning:
Frenzied behaviour
Failure to respond to your calls
Uncontrollable urination or defecation
Convulsions, fitting or seizures
Haemorrhaging or bleeding
Difficulty breathing
What to do if you suspect a pet has died by 1080 poisoning
Unfortunately, there is often nothing that can prevent a pet from dying to 1080 poison after they have ingested 1080 poison. All states and territories, however, are obliged to receive reports of “non-target” deaths.
The Coalition is here to help. You can reach out at any time for support and advice. The contact details of the relevant department or authority in your state is provided below with supporting documents.
The death of pets poisoned by 1080 in the ACT should be reported to the Environment Protection Authority.
If human safety is at risk, it should also be reported to ACT Policing.
Phone: 13 22 81 or (02) 6207 5311
Email: environment.protection@act.gov.au
Supporting documents and useful links
Use of agvet chemicals in Australia (APVMA website) - this webpage lists the Environment Protection Authority as the relevant territory contact for the incorrect use of chemicals, including 1080 poison
The death of pets poisoned by 1080 in NSW should be reported to Chemicals Regulation Group at the Environment Protection Authority.
If human safety is at risk, it should also be reported to the NSW Police Force.
Phone: 131 555 (in NSW) or (02) 9995 5555 (outside NSW)
Email: chemicals.regulation@epa.nsw.gov.au
Supporting documents and useful links
Pest Control (1080 Bait Products) Order 2020 - sections 3.12 on pages 9, 17 and 33 and section 3.13 on page 25 of this document state that “any incidents where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that non-target animals (excluding other pest animals) may have been poisoned by 1080” should be reported to the EPA
The Victorian Government advises that 1080 incidents should be immediately reported to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.
If human safety is at risk, it should also be reported to the Victorian Police Force.
Phone: 135 186 or 1300 502 656
Email: VicChemicals.Coordinator@ecodev.vic.gov.au
Supporting documents and useful links
Directions for the Use of 1080 and PAPP Pest Animal Bait Products in Victoria - section 5.3 of this document states that “you must report all incidents of suspected 1080 or PAPP poisoning of non-target animals, including domestic dogs, to the DJPR Customer Service Centre”.
The Queensland Government advises that 1080 incidents should be immediately reported to Queensland Health.
If human safety is at risk, it should also be reported to the Queensland Police Force.
Phone: 13 74 68
Supporting documents and useful links
Toxin 1080: A Guide to Safe and Responsible Use of Sodium Fluoroacetate in Queensland - page 12 of this document states that “any suspected incidents of non-target animals being poisoned by 1080 should be reported to DEEDI, DERM or Queensland Health”. Note: DEEDI and DERM have been replaced by other Departments and QLD Health remains the relevant contact
The South Australian Government advises that 1080 incidents should be immediately reported to the Rural Chemicals Operations Division of the Department of Primary Industries and Resources.
If human safety is at risk, it should also be reported to the South Australian Police Force.
Phone: 1300 799 684
Email: PIRSA.Ruralchemicals@sa.gov.au
Supporting documents and useful links
Directions for Use of 1080 Fox Baits in South Australia - page 4 of this document states that “for information or advice on suspected cases of misuse of 1080 fox bait or to report that non-target animals may have been poisoned by 1080, contact Rural Chemical Operations”
The Western Australian Government advises that 1080 incidents should be immediately reported to the Chemical Coordinator at the Department of Agriculture and Food.
If human safety is at risk, it should also be reported to the Western Australian Police Force.
Phone: (08) 9474 2405 or 0427 193 838
Email: waagvetchemicalcoordinator@dpird.wa.gov.au or MPRB@health.wa.gov.au
Supporting documents and useful links
1080 – Safe Use and Management of 1080 (Landholders Manual) - section 9 on page 19 of this document states that you should “report any 1080 accidents and incidents immediately”. It states that the “poisoning of non-target animals” should be reported to the Department of Agriculture and Food
The Northern Territory Government advises that 1080 incidents should be immediately reported to the Chemicals Adviser at the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
If human safety is at risk, it should also be reported to the Northern Territory Police Force.
Phone: (08) 8999 2344
Email: chemicals@nt.gov.au
Supporting documents and useful links
Directions for Use of 1080 for Wild Dog Control - section 10 on page 9 of this document states that the Chemicals Coordinator must be notified of “any incidents of suspected or confirmed untargeted animal deaths”
The Tasmanian Government advises that 1080 incidents should be immediately reported to the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.
If human safety is at risk, it should also be reported to the Tasmanian Police Force.
Phone: 1300 368 550 or 0408 365 461
Email: state.coordinator@dpipwe.tas.gov.au
Supporting documents and useful links
Use of agvet chemicals in Australia (APVMA website) - this webpage lists the Department of Primary Industries, Parks. Water and Environment as the relevant territory contact for the incorrect use of chemicals, including 1080 poison
It is important to register any ‘non-target animal deaths’ to 1080 poison to the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Authority.
This can be done online using this link.
You can also use the following details:
Adverse Experience Reporting Program
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
PO Box 6182
Kingston ACT 2604
AustraliaEmail: aerp@apvma.gov.au
Fax: +61 2 6210 4776