Press releases and media

Australia Has 99 Problems, but "Wild Dogs" Aren't One
New DNA evidence indicates that a staggering 99% of the animals Australian authorities label “wild dogs” are dingoes. The findings have reignited calls to urgently remove them from government kill-lists and initiate an immediate moratorium on lethal control programs.

Mount Gambier Family Grieves Tragic Loss of Pet Dogs to 1080 Bait
The tragic deaths of two beloved pet dogs has left a Mount Gambier family traumatised and grieving. After witnessing their final hours writhing in pain, the family believe the dogs are the latest victims of the notorious poison known as 1080.

Community Backs Historic Bid to Ban 1080 Poison
A committee of local community residents has championed a historic move by the Blue Mountains City Council to ban a notorious chemical outlawed elsewhere in the world.

Spate of Livestock Deaths Caused by Negligence and An Indiscriminate Poison
1080 poison has claimed the lives of over sixty sheep in South Australia who discovered an improperly stored and unattended barrel of baits on a property in the Limestone Coast region. After knocking the barrel over and consuming its contents, the sheep suffered a death Australian animal welfare agencies have condemned as cruel and inhumane.

Wildlife department declares entire state too dangerous for dogs outdoors
A recent warning published by the Western Australian Government’s Parks and Wildlife Service has attracted the outrage of concerned travellers as the state is declared too dangerous for dogs.

State departments dodge illegal dog death investigation duty
Over 2 short days, the Coalition has been inundated with reports of suspicious dog deaths following the ingestion of 1080 poison, a chemical liberally used across the country to kill unwanted or unwelcome wildlife. Tippy and Fay are the latest innocent victims to have their lives violently taken from them after accidentally eating a 1080-laced bait.

Officials Admit Bushfire Baiting a Failure
Coalition reveals that the Australian wool industry is behind the erroneous claims that “wild dogs” are responsible for millions in livestock losses, despite readily available evidence released by a NSW university study revealing that the subspecies is all but a myth invented to make poisoning programs more palatable to the public.

Wildlife Cull Could Spell Extinction for Bushfire Survivors
Following a spate of illegal baitings in a Brisbane City suburb that left up to eight companion dogs dead, a wave of cruel chemical warfare against Sydney-siders pooches leaves popular parks as no-go zones.

1080 Baiting Ramps Up In Bushfire Impacted Areas of NSW
Plans to increase poison baiting programs in National Parks and local reserves on the borders of bushfire-affected areas have left the community outraged, sparking calls for a Statewide moratorium on any ongoing, upcoming or planned 1080 baiting programs.

Wool Industry Peddles “Wild Dog” Propaganda
Coalition reveals that the Australian wool industry is behind the erroneous claims that “wild dogs” are responsible for millions in livestock losses, despite readily available evidence released by a NSW university study revealing that the subspecies is all but a myth invented to make poisoning programs more palatable to the public.

Baiting Drones Condemned as Indiscriminate "Death-Drops"
A report from NZ’s Otago Daily Times (ODT) has revealed that “more than 600,000 animals” were used in experiments over a period of just 24 months. The shocking exposé explains that some of that research entailed testing 1080-laced cereal baits to be used in aerial operations and the addition of deer repellent to baits in a bid to soothe swelling tensions between hunters and government departments.

Eight Companion Dogs Dead After Illegal Baitings
Following a spate of illegal baitings in a Brisbane City suburb that left up to eight companion dogs dead, a wave of cruel chemical warfare against Sydney-siders pooches leaves popular parks as no-go zones.
The battle to ban 1080 poison is spreading across Australia. Here are some examples of media articles featuring the Coalition Against 1080 Poison.
‘We feel like we let Doble down’: the unseen dangers of 1080 wild dog baits - the Guardian (8 October 2022)
Wildlife poisoning increases in national parks - the District Bulletin (4 October 2022)
Chemical debate: letter to the editor (PNG) - the Blue Mountains Gazette (22 June 2022)
Outrage after deadly 1080 animal baiting oversight - Courier Mail (12 May 2021)
‘Poison apple’: why dog owners need to avoid these tiny beads – Yahoo News (26 March 2021)
Council ban on poison use welcomed – the Blue Mountains Gazette (18 March 2021)
Aussies are being urged to ask QLD Health and APVMA for a review into the use of a deadly poison – Courier Mail (6 October 2020)
Renewed calls to ban 1080 after beloved family dogs die ‘thrashing around’ from suspected baiting – Courier Mail (15 September 2020)
Three billion animals lost in the 19/20 bushfires – the Echo (8 September 2020)
Poisoning Australia in the name of wildlife recovery after bushfire losses – Animals 24/7 (16 February 2020)
Drones to target ‘wild dogs’ with 1080 bait and by ‘wild dogs’ they mean dingoes – New Matilda (27 September 2019)
Ban backyard poison: letter to the editor – the Barossa Herald (29 November 2017)
Related news
Baiting program goes ahead despite hundreds of people expressing outrage – Courier Mail (14 November 2020)
Distraught owner wants deadly poison banned after losing three dogs in suspected targeted attack – Courier Mail (15 November 2020)
Several more dogs are believed to have died from suspected 1080 poisoning – Courier Mail (11 November 2020)
Five dogs dead in five hours from suspected 1080 poisoning in Moreton Bay region – Courier Mail (18 September 2020)
VIDEO: Distressing way dogs die from suspected 1080 poisoning – Courier Mail (2020)
Dog death roll rises to eight, 1080 poison in meat revealed as killer – Courier Mail (11 August 2019)
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